Friday, February 17, 2012

Practice, Tomorrow

Hi, guys!

Here is a late night post! I haven't posted in days, and I've forgotten to tell you lots of stuff. I've also noticed you've stopped viewing my blog, whoever you are. Thank you for reading. :)

Anyway, some updates.

I watched the latest The Walking Dead, and it was awesome! Looks like the zombies are stirring up again, and they won't have the backup of the farm with them this time. I blame Shane, it isn't his farm.

Oh, and poor- wait a minute. Did you watch it? No? Well, I ain't going to tell you anything about it. Nope. Watch it yourself.

So, in this case, I will tell you about The Sims 3. I just stopped playing earlier (since it's nearing my bed time), and I had a small blast (meaning, not really a blast). I like the way you just walk around without pressing much stuff. Makes it easier for the Wii.

What I don't like is that I get lost easily. Since there is no map, I've got to walk pointlessly around, looking for my home. I go by, talk to people, and lose my way back. Unlike with The Sims 2, I can still find my way back by going into my car, or calling a Taxi, clicking my home in a 3D map, and leaving the place. Simple.

In The Sims 3, though, I've got to walk my way home. It's not that bad of a disadvantage (It probably is to those who are lazy. Hey, we're all lazy at a point.), but it's just weird that they didn't add a map for us. :(

The book I'm reading right now is the second book to the series, Pellinor. It's a really awesome book, but intermediate readers might not like it, with all the big words and the sort.

A new, awesome website for you guys to check out, which is guaranteed 99% (by me) to have no virus. Please note the 1%! ;)

Click here

But, seriously, check it out. :)

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